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November 18, 2008


Dr. Daniel Muffoletto ND

Thank you Pope Benedict the XVI.

I have ran as a Catholic Candidate for President in the past Presidential election.
I ran as an Eco-Green Republican.

The only one who did not accept any money from anyone.

I have FEDXed over night,the Pope, my positions.
Every Catholic newspaper, and Bishop was sent my information.

The abortion issue is considered optional by many Catholics.

Doctors take an oath to not unecessarily take a human life.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi comes from a long line of active political Catholics in Baltimore, Maryland. Her family has really helped many people.

Senator Biden has a great vision.The youngest Snator ever elected.

However, he like most Catholics,could use a refresher course in Catholic theology.

I offer all Catholic statesman to anannual conference to go over the basics.

I would invite The Pope, the Catholic Bishops Conference, and the other Catholic grouppps, like the Knights of COlumbus, Catholic Daughters, ALhambra(Catholic Shriners),
to meet.

We can have Michael Steele, Newt Gringrich, Nancy Pelosi, Vice PResident Joe Biden,Jeb Bush, and Arnold Swartennegger,and other Catholics speak.

There are 70 million Catholic voters in the USA. I am willling to help the Republican Party rebrand, and rebuild. I am also ready to help President Barack Obama solve the harms and needs of the world.
I have already solved them, years ago, when was chairman of 5 Harvard Model Un Outstanding delgations.

Contact me at:

Daniel Muffoletto
Faithful Navigator
4TH Degree
Knights of COlumbus
Noble in Alhambra

23 Culver Lane
# C
Manchester, Vermont


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